Branch Expansion versus Digital Banking: The Dynamics of Growth and Inequality in a Spatial Equilibrium Model
二、主讲人:吉岩现任香港科技大学金融系助理教授,主要研究领域为资产定价,宏观金融,和宏观发展。2017年于美国麻省理工学院经济系获博士学位。其论文发表在Journal of Finance, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Financial Economics, Journal of Monetary Economics, and Management Science。
四、地点:腾讯会议ID:631 240 731
Abstract:We develop a heterogeneous-agent model with local spatial markets to study the relationships among bank expansion, growth, and inequality. In the model, households choose their occupations, consumption, and holdings of loans and portfolio assets that vary by liquidity. Banks choose the locations of new branches, which affect the financial frictions facing households across regions. We calibrate the model using a geographic information system to evaluate the rapid bank expansion in Thailand between 1986-1996. The model quantifies the sources of growth and inequality over time and across space and the potential role of digital banking in substantially reducing regional heterogeneity.