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【第一期丝路金融学术沙龙】How quality of institution and multilateral financial institutions...

[发布日期]:2017-11-09  [浏览次数]:

一、主题:How quality of institution and multilateral financial institutions influence the success of PPP projects: an empirical study based on 46 countries along "the Belt and Road"





Abstract: Based on data of 2485 Public-Private Partnership (PPP) projects in 46 developing countries along "the Belt and Road" from 2002 to 2013, we empirically investigate the effect of institutional factors and international financial institutions in the success of PPP projects. We find out that: (1) Countries with more positive experiences are more likely to succeed the following PPP project; (2) PPP projects are more likely to fail with higher degree of private sectors’ risk sharing; quality of institution influences the success of PPP by directly influencing private sectors’ risk sharing; (3) Institutional quality of the investment destination has mixed impact on the degree of private sectors’ risk sharing in PPP projects; specifically, increased rule of law, higher bureaucratic effectiveness, stronger control over corruption and better support to private sectors’ development are more likely to encourage private entities to shoulder more risks within the partnership, however, the democracy level of counties presents the contrary effect;(4) Multilateral financial institutions are positive factors to private sectors during choosing risk structure. Our findings have policy implication for overseas infrastructure investment using PPP and the role of multilateral financial institutions in promoting infrastructure investment.

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