一、主题:Housing Bubbles and Policy Analysis
二、主讲人:王鹏飞,香港科技大学经济学院副教授(终身教职)。2007年获得美国康纳尔大学经济学博士学位,硕士和本科分别毕业于北京大学和吉林大学。他的主要研究领域包括宏观经济学、金融经济学和货币经济学。曾在Econometrica、Journal of Money, Credit and Banking、Economic Theory、Journal of Economics Theory、Economic Journal、Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control等国际著名经济学期刊发表论文数十篇。另外,他还主持多项经济学研究课题,活跃于多个国际性经济学与金融学学术会议。
论文摘要:This paper provides a theory of credit-driven housing bubbles in an infinite-horizon production economy. Entrepreneurs face idiosyncratic investment tax distortions and credit constraints. Housing is an illiquid asset and also serves as collateral for borrowing. A housing bubble can form because houses command a liquidity premium. The housing bubble can provide liquidity and relax credit constraints, but can also generate inefficient overinvestment. Its net effect is to reduce welfare. Property taxes, Tobin’s taxes, macro-prudential policy, and credit policy can prevent the formation of a housing bubble.